2015 juil. 31

A la poursuite de Molla Mansour

Qui eût dit que je m’intéresserais à un quelconque leader des Talibans ? Voilà que la conjonction de l'annonce de la mort de Molla Omar et celle de la parution de mon ouvrage m'a valu l'intérêt d'une pigiste de Newsweek pour alimenter son article sur le nouveau chef des sus-dits, Molla Mansour. Voici donc la teneur de ce que je viens de lui envoyer :

''Dear Eilish, I just saw your message as I'm presently vacationing on the French Briton seaside. Regretfully, I don't have any specific ideas about who Molla Mansour is, and what his politics could be: I never was interested in this kind of analysis. My insight about the present negociations for peace in Afghanistan is the followings: - the people living in Afghanistan are craving for peace, but not at any cost; - they would'nt sacrifice some fundamental changes that where re-secured during the past 13 years, such as women's rights, individual choices, modern progress (education for everybody, phone, media freedom, etc.); - they are very much aware that insecurity is challenging those changes, because protection in this environment is delivered by communities and not the State, and acceptance in a community is acquired by submission to its traditions; - they are inclined to believe that the conflict between the Taliban and international forces is fueled by irrelevant interests, which their own government cannot but bend to. Whoever leads them, the on-going negociations would only be another occurrence of tit for tat dealings, with no positive change for the people in Afghanistan, if no consideration would be taken for an immediate cease-fire and for overall social protection systems that would free the individuals from their allegiance to sectarian groups. I hope these would help your writings. Best regards, Gauhar ''

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